OCSGE’s: Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations

written by Elizabeth Wylie, Hamilton, Communications Director

OCSGE’s: What do parents need to know about the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations?

It is important for us as parents to be aware of the aspects of the Ontario Catholic Education system that make it unique.

Catholic schools in Ontario have a dual mandate:

First, to fulfil the educational needs of students in abidance with the Ministry of Education curriculum standards

Secondly, to fulfil the mission of the Roman Catholic church and nurture the spiritual development of the children and youth within its care.

In 1995, the Ontario Royal Commission on Education recommended a set of “graduate outcomes” be outlined that were to be “subject and skill-oriented”.  

At the time, the Institute of Catholic Education (ICE), an organization initially established in 1986 by the Bishops of Ontario, worked with the Ontario Catholic education community to establish these graduate guidelines through a uniquely Catholic Lens.

The resulting Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations were released initially for the 1998-1999 school year with subsequent re-releases containing new resources in 2011 and 2019.

Today these expectations are classified as follows by the Institute of Catholic Education (ICE):

  • A Discerning Believer formed in the Catholic Faith community who celebrates the signs and sacred mystery of God’s presence through work, sacrement, prayer, forgiveness, reflection and moral living.
  • An Effective Communicator who speaks, writes and listens honestly and sensitively responding critically in light of gospel values.
  • A Reflective, Creative and Holistic Thinker who solves problems and makes responsible decisions with an informed moral conscience for the common good.
  • A Self-Directed, Responsible, Lifelong Learner who develops and demonstrates their God-given potential.
  • A Collaborative Contributor who finds meaning, dignity and vocation in the rights of all and contributes to the common good.
  • A Caring Family Member who attends to family, school, parish and wider community.
  • A Responsible Citizen who gives witness to Catholic social teaching by promoting peace, justice and the sacredness of human life.

These expectations form “a critical navigational instrument” for Catholic Education for what our graduates should be aspiring to in their adult lives.  They are the cornerstone for interpretation and discernment of policies and curriculum by trustees, educators and administrators. 

How can we, as parents, support our students to meet these expectations?

  • Read and become familiar with each of the expectations and how they help foster strong family, work and community relationships.
  • Model these expectations for our children in our daily lives. These are expectations we adults can all aspire to as good citizens and members of the Catholic community. 
  • Recognize when your students are exhibiting behaviours in accordance with the expectations. They need to know when they are on the right track!
  • Talk about how the expectations fit into modern society.  These expectations prepare our students to fulfil their fullest potential.  Everyone’s contribution to the common good is valuable.
  • Explain how their good choices will impact their life and the lives of their community members for their generation. Respecting others and their environment will allow them to build a compassionate, peaceful and harmonious future.

For more information about the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations, please visit this document prepared by the Institute of Catholic Education (ICE): ©ICE OCSGEs Flipbook 2019

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