Supporting Catholic Education
Parents: Your Role in Supporting Catholic Education in Ontario Catholic education in Ontario is a cherished tradition that provides students with an academically excellent and faith-based learning environment. As a parent, your involvement is essential in sustaining the vibrancy and future of our Catholic schools. One of the most

OAPCE Task Force
We WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! As our ongoing advocacy for Parents in Catholic Education we would like to hear from you! We meet regularly with the Ministry of Education and provide ongoing feedback to them. OAPCE is surveying parents across the province to receive integral engagement in order

OAPCE Joins the Provincial Task Force
The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE) is proud to announce our participation in the Ministry of Education’s Task Force to implement the revised Provincial Code of Conduct (PPM 128) for the 2024-25 school year. This initiative aims to refocus education on the basics, improve classroom environments,

Led by our Co-Executive Director, Joe Perri, we’ve put together a motivational presentation that recognizes the work that parents and guardians do every day that contributes to the continued success of students in Catholic education across Ontario. This mentoring initiative empowers parents and guardians to successfully advocate and work

Minister Dunlop Meets OAPCE
The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education Co-Executive Directors had the opportunity to meet with the new Honourable Minister of Education Jill Dunlop at the Ministry of Education office in downtown Toronto. The new Minister took the time to discuss items that are pertaining to the education of our

Queen’s Park Visit
On Tuesday, May 28, 2024 the Co-Executive Directors and Directors of the Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE), representing different regions from across the province visited Queen’s Park in Toronto for an unforgettable day of advocacy for Catholic Education. OAPCE members were seated in the packed gallery as