Welcome to the OAPCE Conference 2024!
Message From The Premier
Special Announcement: Holy Mass Led By His Grace Archbishop Leo
Guest Keynote Speaker: Karl Subban
We are thrilled to announce that Karl Subban will be gracing our OAPCE All day Conference as our esteemed guest speaker. With his extensive expertise and dynamic presence, Karl Subban promises to deliver insights and inspirations that resonate with our theme and enrich your conference experience.
Join us at Monsignor Percy Johnson Catholic High School, for this exceptional opportunity to be part of a transformative all Day conference with other speakers including Dr. Anne Jamieson, ICE Executive Director, Joe Perri, Co-Executive Director, OAPCE and Chris Bray, Catholic speaker and musician!
Celebrate with us at the Sandman Signature Toronto Airport Hotel in the evening, for our Gala Dinner and Awards.
Don’t miss out on the chance to connect, learn, and grow. We look forward to welcoming all parents from across the province to connect, learn, share experiences and do what OAPCE does best – bring parents together in Catholic Education!

Letter from The Auxiliary Bishop of Ottawa-Cornwall
24 March 2024
Passion Sunday
It was with great joy that I received the news that I am the recipient of the Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education “Monsignor Harrigan Award”.
I am pleased to know that I am of support to you in your mission and ministry. We are indeed blessed to have Catholic Education in Ontario.
After being with you for over two years, I wish to salute the tremendous dedication of the OAPCE committee members in the life of our schools. I have witnessed your profound compassion and care in regard to the students, parents, and school staff and their spiritual, academic, and social growth. Most importantly, you are passionate advocates for our Catholic schools.
Together with you, I give thanks to the Lord for the 85 years of existence of OAPCE. And in my prayer, I ask the Lord to confirm to all of you that you remain a part of a mission to be catalysts of joy and effective witnesses of the Risen Christ at work in our Catholic schools.
May you carry with you the flame of Christ’s love for you and your children in every aspect of your daily life, and in all your hopes, dreams and aspirations!
May Mary, who stood faithfully at the foot of her Son’s Cross and who is the Mother of the Church, continue to bless all of the past, present and future members of OAPCE and accompany you in your mission.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
+ Yvan Mathieu, s.m, SSL, PhD (Th)
Auxiliary Bishop of Ottawa-Cornwall

Letter from The Premier

Letter from The Minister Of Education
His Grace, Archbishop Francis Leo
Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Toronto
Special Celebrant Leader and Honored Guest Speaker
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His Grace, Archbishop Francis Leo
Born in Montreal in 1971 to Italian immigrant parents Francesco Leo and †Rosa Valente, Archbishop Leo attended Eugenio Pacelli Elementary School, John F. Kennedy High School and CEGEP Vanier. He then entered the Grand Séminaire de Montréal in 1990 and was ordained a priest for service to the Archdiocese of Montreal on 14 December 1996. He served in different parish assignments in Montréal (assistant pastor at Our Lady of Consolata, parochial administrator of Saint-Joseph-de-RDP, and pastor of Saint-Raymond-de-Peñafort) until 2006 when he accepted the invitation to enroll in the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy in Rome and subsequently enter the Diplomatic Service of the Holy See (2006-2012), serving in different Apostolic Nunciatures across the globe. On 9 January 2012, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Chaplain of His Holiness, bestowing the title of Monsignor.
Upon his return to Canada, he joined the formation team of the Grand Séminaire de Montréal, teaching theology and philosophy while providing spiritual direction, formation and accompaniment to the candidates for the priesthood. In the fall of 2015 he was appointed General Secretary of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), a mandate which came to an end in the fall of 2021. As of February 1st 2022, Archbishop Leo was named Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia of the Archdiocese of Montreal.
In addition to his extensive graduate studies in Canon Law (Pontifical Lateran University), Diplomacy and International Law, Archishop Leo holds a Doctorate in Systematic Theology (University of Dayton ⁄ IMRI) with a specialization in Mariology, a Licentiate in Philosophy (Pontifical Lateran University), a Diploma in Classical Studies (Université de Montréal) and a Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction (Aquinas Institute of Theology). He worked as a Judge for the Canadian Appeal Tribunal and has taught theology, spirituality and philosophy at Montreal, Canberra (Australia), Dayton (USA) and Ottawa, among other places. He speaks English, French, Italian and Spanish. Archbishop Leo is President and founding member of the Canadian Mariological Society, Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem as well as a member of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Domenic (Third Order Dominican).
Archbishop Leo was appointed by the Holy Father Titular Bishop of Tamada and Auxiliary Bishop of Montreal on July 16, 2022, and was ordained to the Episcopacy on September 12, 2022. Archbishop Leo was named as the Archbishop of Toronto on Saturday, February 11, 2023 by Pope Francis. He was installed as Archbishop on Saturday, March 25, 2023.
Karl Subban
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Karl Subban
In his thirty years of coaching, teaching, parenting, and leading, Karl Subban has learned how to inspire people. “Your greatest gift is your potential,” he often says, “and your greatest gift to the world is the development of that potential.” Hailing from the Caribbean, where he never played hockey, Karl has nonetheless raised three NHL players, including the legendary defense man P.K. Subban—one of the league’s brightest stars and an Olympic Gold Medal winner.
His memoir, How We Did It: The Subban Plan for Success in Hockey, School, and Life became an immediate national bestseller. It’s a personal story of a unique journey—a saga that begins in Karl’s original home of Jamaica, explores his achievements as a father and educator in Canada, and stands as a must-read account of one of hockey’s most fascinating families. It’s his proven approach to resilience, perseverance, and goal-setting—and a how-to guide for bringing the best out of everyone. He is also the author of The Hockey Skates, a heartwarming picture book that teaches children the importance of resilience and perseverance.
As parents, Karl and his wife, Maria, have raised five accomplished children. Their two oldest daughters are teachers, one a record-setting university basketball star and the other an acclaimed visual artist. Each of their three sons, P.K., Malcolm and Jordan, have been drafted and signed by NHL teams. In 2018, Karl was recognized as a Canadian Men’s Health Foundation Champion for taking a stand for men’s health and supporting CMHF’s mission to inspire men to make small changes and live healthier lives.
The Million Dollar Question Karl is often asked about his family is, “How did you do it?” A natural storyteller, Karl mixes personal stories with lessons he learned as a coach and principal—lessons about motivation, grit, and accomplishment—that resonate with audiences from the boardroom to the classroom.
PRESENTATION: “Team Subban’s Vision for Success How Did You Do It?”
Wisdom. Humor. Leadership experience. Memorable stories. These are the hallmarks of a Karl Subban keynote. Drawing on his experience as a coach, a principal, and the father of “Team Subban,” Karl talks about vision, perseverance, teamwork, and what it means to lead. He uses pointed anecdotes and powerful metaphors to tell a larger narrative about defining, and achieving, success.
As a principal, Karl would often give a room full of students a simple command: “Anyone who wants to be better, raise your hand.” Every hand shot up. That came as no surprise. Who doesn’t want to be better? Everybody wants to be better. The problem, he saw, was that too many people didn’t think they could be. Since those days, he has held the firmly-rooted belief that anyone can—and everyone should—reach their true potential. To that end, Karl shares a proven framework for success that resonates with everyone from educators to business and community leaders.
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Joe Perri has served for over 25 years in the Not-for-Profit, Fundraising and Civil sectors in various capacities. He worked as a Capital Campaign Fundraising Director and Strategic Development Manager. Through his work, he has been able to develop several partnership programs throughout the community that have benefited various causes and involved front-line leadership work, as well as behind the scenes planning stakeholder buy-in and policy writing. Joe is currently one of the Co-Executive Directors for OAPCE, where advocacy of parental rights is paramount as well as the promotion of our faith and catholic in schools. Most importantly Joe has been married for over 25 years and is the proud father of three young men.
Presentation: “SuperParents: Unlocking the Powers of Advocacy – Advocate for your child’s education like a Superhero!
Advocacy plays a crucial role in ensuring that our children receive the best education possible and that our Catholic values are preserved. The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE) understands the importance of parents’ voices in advocating for their children’s education. In this presentation we will explore the importance of advocacy and how it relates to parents, neighbors, the Catholic community, and how OAPCE empowers parents to become the Superparents for their children!
Dr. Anne Jamieson
Executive Director
The Institute for Catholic Education
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Dr. Anne Jamieson
Anne began her career in Toronto working for the Ministry of Community and Social Services and left Toronto to become an elementary school teacher with the Waterloo Catholic District School Board, where she taught for 14 years. She came to work for the Bishop of Hamilton in 2008 as the Director of the Catechesis Office. She holds her Masters of Catholic Thought from St. Jerome’s University in Waterloo and her Doctor of Ministry from The University of Toronto.
Dr. Jamieson has been a lecturer at St. Augustine’s Seminary in Toronto and has provided professional development to teachers across Canada in teaching Religious Education. She was a specialist reviewer for the Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ series used in Catholic schools. Anne is the author and co-author of several parish resources as well as books for spiritual growth. Her latest book from Novalis publishing is Joining the Divine Conversation: A Guide to Listening to the God who Speaks.
In September 2020, Anne was appointed the Executive Director of the Institute for Catholic Education. In 2021, she was honoured to be named by Pope Francis to the International Council for Catechesis for a five-year term. She is one of 16 members world-wide on the council and the only Canadian. She describes herself as a wife and mother, a life-long learner, and a lover of Catholic Education.
“Renewing the Promise: Re-reading your Love Letters”
I am pleased to be invited to celebrate this important anniversary for OAPCE – 85 years of service by, for and with parents! An anniversary is a great time to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and renew our hope for the future. The pastoral letter of the Bishops of Ontario in 2018 – Renewing the Promise – gave parents encouragement and reassurance. Let’s take a look at that love letter to families in Catholic Education and see the encouragement to create environments of trust and prayer in the home and collaboration with the school community. Let’s see how faith provides a new horizon for parent engagement today and for generations to come.
Chris Bray
Catholic Speaker and Musician
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Chris Bray
Chris Bray is a full-time Catholic speaker & musician. Having received multiple Gospel Music Association Covenant awards and numerous #1 hit songs on Christian radio in Canada, his ministry has spanned North America from headlining the National March for Life rally on Parliament Hill for 25,000 people, the Air Canada Centre, working with great figures such as Matt Maher, Matt Fradd, Jackie Francois, Leah Darrow, Emily Wilson, Paul J. Kim, Steve Ray, Ralph Martin, Chris Padgett, Fr. Dave Pivonka, Sr. Miriam James, Teresa Tomeo, involvement in Life Teen, World Youth Day, Steubenville Toronto, National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC), featured on EWTN, Salt & Light TV, 100 Huntley St., Shalom World TV, presenting to tens of thousands each year at hundreds of conferences, retreats, schools, and churches. Chris is a husband to Katie, and a proud father of their five daughters.
- Gospel Music Association Covenant Award Winner
- Songwriter of Canadian Christian radio #1 hit songs, “Called” and “Finally Let Go”
- Appearances on EWTN, 100 Huntley St., Shalom World TV and Salt & Light TV
Presentation: “Such A Time is This”
How God has given this time, and chosen us, to parent our children and form them into who He has called them to be, the first educators of our children.
God has chosen this time and has chosen us to be the parents of our children. This is an incredible blessing and important responsibility. By modelling the virtues and a living faith, we can help foster the seed of faith in our kids.

His Grace, Archbishop Francis Leo
Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Toronto
Special Celebrant Leader and Honored Guest Speaker
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His Grace, Archbishop Francis Leo
Upon his return to Canada, he joined the formation team of the Grand Séminaire de Montréal, teaching theology and philosophy while providing spiritual direction, formation and accompaniment to the candidates for the priesthood. In the fall of 2015 he was appointed General Secretary of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), a mandate which came to an end in the fall of 2021. As of February 1st 2022, Archbishop Leo was named Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia of the Archdiocese of Montreal.
In addition to his extensive graduate studies in Canon Law (Pontifical Lateran University), Diplomacy and International Law, Archishop Leo holds a Doctorate in Systematic Theology (University of Dayton ⁄ IMRI) with a specialization in Mariology, a Licentiate in Philosophy (Pontifical Lateran University), a Diploma in Classical Studies (Université de Montréal) and a Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction (Aquinas Institute of Theology). He worked as a Judge for the Canadian Appeal Tribunal and has taught theology, spirituality and philosophy at Montreal, Canberra (Australia), Dayton (USA) and Ottawa, among other places. He speaks English, French, Italian and Spanish. Archbishop Leo is President and founding member of the Canadian Mariological Society, Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem as well as a member of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Domenic (Third Order Dominican).
Archbishop Leo was appointed by the Holy Father Titular Bishop of Tamada and Auxiliary Bishop of Montreal on July 16, 2022, and was ordained to the Episcopacy on September 12, 2022. Archbishop Leo was named as the Archbishop of Toronto on Saturday, February 11, 2023 by Pope Francis. He was installed as Archbishop on Saturday, March 25, 2023.

Karl Subban
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Karl Subban
His memoir, How We Did It: The Subban Plan for Success in Hockey, School, and Life became an immediate national bestseller. It’s a personal story of a unique journey—a saga that begins in Karl’s original home of Jamaica, explores his achievements as a father and educator in Canada, and stands as a must-read account of one of hockey’s most fascinating families. It’s his proven approach to resilience, perseverance, and goal-setting—and a how-to guide for bringing the best out of everyone. He is also the author of The Hockey Skates, a heartwarming picture book that teaches children the importance of resilience and perseverance.
As parents, Karl and his wife, Maria, have raised five accomplished children. Their two oldest daughters are teachers, one a record-setting university basketball star and the other an acclaimed visual artist. Each of their three sons, P.K., Malcolm and Jordan, have been drafted and signed by NHL teams. In 2018, Karl was recognized as a Canadian Men’s Health Foundation Champion for taking a stand for men’s health and supporting CMHF’s mission to inspire men to make small changes and live healthier lives.
The Million Dollar Question Karl is often asked about his family is, “How did you do it?” A natural storyteller, Karl mixes personal stories with lessons he learned as a coach and principal—lessons about motivation, grit, and accomplishment—that resonate with audiences from the boardroom to the classroom.
PRESENTATION: “Team Subban’s Vision for Success How Did You Do It?”
Wisdom. Humor. Leadership experience. Memorable stories. These are the hallmarks of a Karl Subban keynote. Drawing on his experience as a coach, a principal, and the father of “Team Subban,” Karl talks about vision, perseverance, teamwork, and what it means to lead. He uses pointed anecdotes and powerful metaphors to tell a larger narrative about defining, and achieving, success. As a principal, Karl would often give a room full of students a simple command: “Anyone who wants to be better, raise your hand.” Every hand shot up. That came as no surprise. Who doesn’t want to be better? Everybody wants to be better. The problem, he saw, was that too many people didn’t think they could be. Since those days, he has held the firmly-rooted belief that anyone can—and everyone should—reach their true potential. To that end, Karl shares a proven framework for success that resonates with everyone from educators to business and community leaders.

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Presentation: “SuperParents: Unlocking the Powers of Advocacy – Advocate for your child’s education like a Superhero!
Advocacy plays a crucial role in ensuring that our children receive the best education possible and that our Catholic values are preserved. The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE) understands the importance of parents’ voices in advocating for their children’s education. In this presentation we will explore the importance of advocacy and how it relates to parents, neighbors, the Catholic community, and how OAPCE empowers parents to become the Superparents for their children!

Dr. Anne Jamieson
Executive Director
The Institute for Catholic Education
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Dr. Anne Jamieson
Dr. Jamieson has been a lecturer at St. Augustine’s Seminary in Toronto and has provided professional development to teachers across Canada in teaching Religious Education. She was a specialist reviewer for the Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ series used in Catholic schools. Anne is the author and co-author of several parish resources as well as books for spiritual growth. Her latest book from Novalis publishing is Joining the Divine Conversation: A Guide to Listening to the God who Speaks. In September 2020, Anne was appointed the Executive Director of the Institute for Catholic Education. In 2021, she was honoured to be named by Pope Francis to the International Council for Catechesis for a five-year term. She is one of 16 members world-wide on the council and the only Canadian. She describes herself as a wife and mother, a life-long learner, and a lover of Catholic Education.
Presentation: “Renewing the Promise: Re-reading your Love Letters”
I am pleased to be invited to celebrate this important anniversary for OAPCE – 85 years of service by, for and with parents! An anniversary is a great time to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and renew our hope for the future. The pastoral letter of the Bishops of Ontario in 2018 – Renewing the Promise – gave parents encouragement and reassurance. Let’s take a look at that love letter to families in Catholic Education and see the encouragement to create environments of trust and prayer in the home and collaboration with the school community. Let’s see how faith provides a new horizon for parent engagement today and for generations to come.

Chris Bray
Catholic Speaker and Musician
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Chris Bray
Chris Bray is a full-time Catholic speaker & musician. Having received multiple Gospel Music Association Covenant awards and numerous #1 hit songs on Christian radio in Canada, his ministry has spanned North America from headlining the National March for Life rally on Parliament Hill for 25,000 people, the Air Canada Centre, working with great figures such as Matt Maher, Matt Fradd, Jackie Francois, Leah Darrow, Emily Wilson, Paul J. Kim, Steve Ray, Ralph Martin, Chris Padgett, Fr. Dave Pivonka, Sr. Miriam James, Teresa Tomeo, involvement in Life Teen, World Youth Day, Steubenville Toronto, National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC), featured on EWTN, Salt & Light TV, 100 Huntley St., Shalom World TV, presenting to tens of thousands each year at hundreds of conferences, retreats, schools, and churches. Chris is a husband to Katie, and a proud father of their five daughters.
- Gospel Music Association Covenant Award Winner
- Songwriter of Canadian Christian radio #1 hit songs, “Called” and “Finally Let Go”
- Appearances on EWTN, 100 Huntley St., Shalom World TV and Salt & Light TV
Presentation: “Such A Time is This”
How God has given this time, and chosen us, to parent our children and form them into who He has called them to be, the first educators of our children. God has chosen this time and has chosen us to be the parents of our children. This is an incredible blessing and important responsibility. By modelling the virtues and a living faith, we can help foster the seed of faith in our kids.