Who are we?


What do we do?

Executive Team

A Message From The Co-Executive Directors

As the voice of parents and guardians of children enrolled in the publicly funded English Catholic System of Education in Ontario, OAPCE is here to support and advocate for you. We believe that parents play a crucial role in the education of their children, and we encourage you to get involved and be a part of your child’s educational journey.

As we begin a new school year, let us hold onto hope and prioritize the health and well-being of our children. Together, with faith as our guide, we can navigate any challenges that come our way and ensure a bright future for our children.
Catholic Education is going through a challenging time, facing many different issues and concerns that our children are immersed in every day. We stand in support of parents being their child’s first educator and want to work together with mutually beneficial partnerships with all individuals, educators and administration at every level to ensure that all children achieve academic success, through the Catholic lens.

In 2024, OAPCE will be celebrating our 85th Anniversary. We invite you to join us in our mission to Engage, Advocate, and Enhance the Catholic education system. Whether it’s becoming an OAPCE representative, attending our annual conference, or simply staying informed and involved in your child’s education – Your contribution matters and makes a difference!

Annalisa Crudo-Perri and Joe Perri
Co-Executive Directors

Why Be a Member of OAPCE?

How Do We Represent The Voice of Parents?

The OAPCE Representatives:

As per Section 612 of the Education Act, every local parent school council is required to have an OAPCE representative. This position must be held by a Roman Catholic parent or guardian of a child currently in a Catholic District School Board. This position is an additional voting parent member position to the usual School Council membership and the purpose is to provide contact between the school council, the regional council and the provincial Association. These OAPCE Liaison Representatives will sit as part of a Regional Council and become the conduit to share parents views and concerns with the OAPCE.


The OAPCE Liaison Representative is mandated role by the Ministry of Education. The Ontario Education Act, Regulation 612/00 states, “3. (1) A school council for a school shall be composed of the following people … 8. One person appointed by an association that is a member of the Ontario Federation of Home School Associations, the Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education or Parent Partenaires en Education, if the association that is a member of the Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education or Parent Pertenaires en Education is established in respect of the school”. Parent Voting member on Parent Council. Be a point of contact for information sharing between OAPCE and Parent Council.

OAPCE communicates with parents across the province through our email distribution list, newsletters, website facebook and twitter. The OAPCE Board of Directors is the governing body of a province-wide network of parents and guardians whose children are enrolled in publicly funded Catholic Education. OAPCE is a member of the Institute of Catholic Education (ICE) and works with all Catholic Education partners such as OCSTA, CPCO, OECTA to name a few. OAPCE is invited to working tables and committees of the Ministry of Education and other Education partners to provide the parent perspective. From these meetings and events we receive information about the issues in the Catholic Education system of Ontario. This information is shared with our OAPCE Liaison Representatives which they, in turn, share with their School Parent Councils.
In addition, we provide OAPCE Reps with information about:

  • The operations and activities of OAPCE.
  • Upcoming education events taking place across the province.
  • Provide parents with opportunities to provide feedback on Ministry initiatives or other Educational issues.

1) Volunteer be the OAPCE Liason Rep on our School Parent Council
2) Have your Principal notify your School Board that you are their Representative for your school.
3) Your School Board usually notifies OAPCE, but you can also or fill out our contact form on our website at oapce.org.
4) You will receive information, newsletters and request for feedback directly to your email.
5) Pass this information to your School Council.

OAPCE 5 Tips for Reps

OAPCE Liaison Representative Role

• Voting Parent Member on School Parent Council.
• Be a point of contact for information sharing between OAPCE and the School Parent Council.
What should I do now that I am an OAPCE Liaison Representative?

Catholic School Board Members

Our Education Partners and Stakeholders in Catholic Education

We have strong relationships and the support of many Catholic partners.
• They assist in promoting all our initiatives and events including the OAPCE Conference.
• We support one another in promoting and protecting the gift of publicly funded Catholic education for generations to come.

• Ontario Ministry of Education: As we are recognized by the Ministry of Education through the Ed. Act Schools Councils 612, we work collaboratively with them to provide consultations, and feedback and act as the voice for parents in Catholic Education.

By-Laws and Financial Statement

The OAPCE By-laws are currently under review for conformity with the Not-For-Profit Corporations Act. To avoid confusion, the link to them has been temporarily removed.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact OAPCE at [email protected]

Financial Statement

For The Year June 30th, 2024

Membership Overview and Year End Report

Year End Report

For The Year 2023-2024


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