How to Inspire the Spirit of Giving at Christmas

by D. Garell-Teti, OAPCE Halton Director, Chair

“No one has ever become poor by giving.” — Anne Frank

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” — John 3:16

Christmas is a wonderful time of year, where many families may gather together to participate in holiday traditions, such as tree decorating, watching holiday movies, baking yummy Christmas-themed snacks, and spending time with extended family and friends. Christmas is a time of giving and sharing with those around us, but that sharing is also for people we may have never met: those who are not as fortunate in their lives.

The Wise Men visited Jesus after his birth and presented him with gifts as an expression of worship and honour towards Jesus. Gift-giving (whether it be in the form of material gifts or time) can be a way to show our gratitude for the ultimate gift of Christ’s birth and sacrifice and demonstrate our love for others, particularly for those in need.

Here are some Christmas giving ideas for families to teach children about the true joy of giving back:

  1. Sponsor a family in need at Christmas: Many charitable organizations in Ontario have programs where your family can sponsor people living in poverty by donating gifts to bring joy during the Christmas season or throughout the year. 
  2. Volunteer to sing or play music in a nursing home or senior care facility: There is nothing better than bringing a smile to another person’s face! Reach out to one in your local community, and find somewhere that your family can share their musical talents.
  3. Donate to your local food bank: Food pantries can always use help from people in the community, especially during the holidays. Check out the list of items that are most needed (they are usually posted on food bank websites), and bring your children along to the grocery store to help pick out the items and then deliver them together to the food bank.
  4. Donate extra coats, hats, scarves, gloves, and blankets: When looking at your family’s needs for the winter, be on the lookout for winter gear that you don’t need. Take the extra winter gear, and donate it to a family or person in your community who needs it — from those who are experiencing poverty, homelessness, or even newcomers who are facing our cold Canadian winters. Your local United Way or Salvation Army are great places to begin your search, but also check to see if your parish or school is having a winter clothing drive to contribute to
  5. Make and deliver Christmas cards to your local fire, ambulance, or police station: Bring some joy to first responders this season! Have your family make home-made Christmas cards to thank those in your community for their hard work throughout the year.
  6. Invite a friend or family member, or neighbour who may be alone during the Christmas season: For many, Christmas may be a lonely season, whether it be because of family issues, isolation, or family living far away. Invite someone over to spend part of the holiday celebrations with your family.
  7. Perform other random acts of kindness as part of an Advent calendar: Here are some ideas to add to your Advent calendar for your kids to practice this life-giving habit during the lead up to Christmas.

The Bible says we were created for good works (Ephesians 2:10). So, as the Christmas season approaches, talk with your family, and share these ideas (and more) on how they can impact others with Christmas giving.

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