No other Organization Champions Parental Engagement and Education Policy in Ontario like OAPCE.
The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE) is a recognized parent organization that advocates for and supports Catholic Education in the province of Ontario. Established in 1939, OAPCE works to provide information and resources to parents, as well as representing their interests at various Ministry of Education initiatives and working tables.
OAPCE is the only Catholic parent association recognized by the Ministry of Education and is mandated through the Education Act. As advocates for Catholic Education, OAPCE’s main goal is to support the continuation and preservation of publicly funded Catholic Education in Ontario.
Joe Perri, Co-executive Director of OAPCE, had the opportunity last year to address a government committee and share his comments and recommendations on the proposed Bill 98, Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023.
As part of OAPCE’s advocacy initiatives J. Perri emphasized the need for each child to achieve their best potential, with a stronger focus on the fundamentals of reading, writing, and math, while also adapting to the new technological world. He also stressed the importance of accommodating different learning styles and ensuring that parent suggestions are respected to promote the best performance and health of students. He also discussed the low levels of parent involvement and emphasized that parental engagement is integral to student success. He suggested the need for support and guidance for parents and highlighted the Charter of Rights for parents to work with groups such as OAPCE.
Furthermore, OAPCE also called for a protocol for parents’ complaints, emphasizing the importance of transparency regarding complaint resolutions. He suggested that schools should track complaints and ensure transparency regarding funding. OAPCE also emphasized that important items that take place in the school, such as guest speaker presentations should be disclosed to parents – this has recently been adopted by the Ministry in a new policy here
Membership in OAPCE offers parents the opportunity to be a part of an organization that promotes and protects Catholic Education. OAPCE elevates the profile of Catholic education by providing information sharing, resources, learning opportunities, networking, and community building.
OAPCE has representatives on various Ministry of Education initiatives and working tables, such as Curriculum Review and the Minister’s Partnership Table. As such, OAPCE has also been part of a Task Force to help implement the new Cellphone and Vaping Policy. the task force was created by the Ministry of Education to strategize the new policy and to roll out its implementation across the province, OAPCE was the only one on the task force representing parents in Catholic education from across the province.
The organization works closely with other Catholic education partners, such as ICE, Bishops, Principals, Trustees, and Teachers, to advocate for Catholic Education and provide a parent perspective to the provincial media.
OAPCE hosts an annual conference where parents from across Ontario can participate in keynote speeches, faith celebrations, and workshops related to parenting, navigating the education system, and supporting student achievement.
The OAPCE Representatives, as mandated by Section 612 of the Education Act, serve as liaisons between the local parent school council, regional council, and the provincial Association. They provide a conduit for parents to share their views and concerns with OAPCE.
OAPCE has strong relationships and the support of many Catholic partners who collaborate in promoting and protecting publicly funded Catholic education for future generations. This includes promoting initiatives and events, such as the OAPCE Conference.
Overall, OAPCE works to ensure that parents have a voice in Catholic education and are provided with the information and resources they need to support their children’s success in school.
We are the only ones to do this.