Access a variety of prayers for different occasions and seasons, designed to support your spiritual journey and deepen your relationship with God.
Topical Prayers
Father in heaven,
may the faith you have given us
in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us
into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation
of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee
reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread
the joy and peace of our Redeemer
throughout the earth.
To you our God, eternally blessed,
be glory and praise for ever.
Loving God and Father We are privileged to have been given the responsibility as parents to be partners in overseeing the education of our children and all students in our Catholic Schools. Strengthen us in our work as we seek to build a peaceful community.
● Give us the courage to go to you in time of doubt.
● Give us the courage to be servants to the students and to those who serve in our schools.
● Give us the courage to speak our mind on issues that go against our Catholic values.
● Give us the courage to respect one another with reverence and humility on material issues.
● Give us patience and a sense of humour, because it takes time to teach children the skills necessary to solve problems.
● Give us the courage to seek out and to find the solution to all of our problems.
● Give us the courage to be an example to the people we represent by the way we live our lives. As we journey to build a peaceful community, let us remember that the very essence of who we are is based on the principle that your Son Jesus lives within each of us.
This we ask in His name, in whom all peace resides
Blessed Mother Mary
Gentle Mary
Be with us, our schools, our families, our communities and our world, as we draw the strength to
radiate light during these uneasy times.
Guide as we begin a new school year.
Be with us, we know God sets the plan, but we must work together for the good of all our
Lead us, to proclaim the living God; guide us to bear witness to Jesus, Your Son.
Teach us, to be patient with each other, and to accept our new way of life.
Pray for us, to act justly and walk humbly with God.
Help us, to remember You are a guiding force of light and fill our hearts knowing that we are
immeasurably loved by You.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
You are the Vine grower, O Lord -Christ the vine, and we the branches.
Grant us the wisdom to know Your will, and the strength of Your Holy Spirit to do our work,
supporting our children, and all children and staff, so that our efforts may bear the fruit of
creating truly faith-filled and excellent Catholic schools.
St. Joseph , Patron Saint of Families, and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Patron Saint of Catholic
Education, Pray for us.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
A New Year is unfolding.
Like a blossom with petals curled tightly
concealing the beauty within.
Lord, let this year
be filled with the things that are truly good
with the comfort of warmth in our relationships,
with the strength to help those
who need our help
and the humility and openness
to accept help from others.
As we make our resolutions for the year ahead,
let us go forward with the great hope
that all things can be possible
with Your help and guidance.
God, the source of every good gift, you have called us together as servants to do your will.
Grant us the light of your Spirit, to guide us in our responsibilities as a Regional Council.
May we work together in harmony for the common good.
May we listen to one another in a spirit of genuine respect.
May we encourage and reverence one another’s unique talents.
May we use the gifts of the Spirit in creative Christian leadership.
May we approach our decision making through discernment and prayer.
May we respond effectively to the needs of the children in our care.
God of Love You give us the gifts of the Holy Spirit, for the common good.
May your blessings radiate from us to others, in a new spirit of service.
Dear God, in this room is different views,
different ways of expression, different emotional intensities,
and different roads that lead to conclusions.
May we combine clarity of mind with kindness of heart.
May we be impartial without bending to strong personalities.
May we sacrifice self-interest for the good of our students.
Guide our discussions and decisions.
May we do our work with love and clarity of vision for the
benefit of those we represent.
May your name be glorified through our efforts.
God our Father,
stamp us with your approval
for the work you have chosen us to do.
Be well pleased as we try to live our lives for you.
You have shown us your favour
by giving us your Spirit through Baptism.
The Spirit is now present in all that we do.
Help us to hear your voice as Jesus did.
Speak with us.
Speak through others to us.
And as we listen,
please give direction to the work we are doing,
and the confidence in ourselves to do that work.
O Holy Spirit, source of truth and grace,
for those entrusted with Christian development of children,
enlighten our minds, strengthen our wills, and fill our hearts
with generosity so that our homes, our parishes and our schools
may co-operate effectively with you, and with one another
in the exalted mission of Catholic Education.
We make our prayer through Christ, Our Lord.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph pray for us.
Leader: Let our prayer arise before you
All: And may your love descend upon the world
Leader: Receive these prayers that we make to you with a listening heart
All: And send your Spirit to renew the face of the earth
Leader: Give us, God, eyes for seeing
All: And ears to hear your Word
Leader: Give us child-like hearts
All: That we may sing, dance play in your kingdom
Mark 10:13-16. This story is a story about liberation. In a society concerned with power and
status, Jesus shows a different way. In this story Jesus is faced with the weakest member of the
society of the day, the child. In the first century, children had no status. They were chattels that
belonged to their father. The closest friends of Jesus, the disciples were quick to dismiss
children from the gathering of the grown-ups. Jesus’ indignation is evident. To his disciples he
says – Let the little children come to me…The discipleship of equals, he says, must include
children and serve their needs, if we want Jesus in our midst.
To the children he extended a warm welcome by putting his arms around them
– you belong… I am never too busy for you!
For us to call ourselves “the Church” we must seek the unaccustomed stance of Jesus. It is to
stand, to preach, to serve and to play from the bottom up – at eye level with a child.
God of Miracles,
We give thanks for this day, for the people gathered here, and for Jesus Christ, our brother and
our Lord,
Who gives our life meaning?
Who directs the work of Catholic education and who reminds us that he is never too busy for
Stay close to us, lest we lose our way, and our heart.
Grant us the gift of wisdom to work together and to proclaim the Gospel to the children
entrusted to us.
Make us desire your life in us, that our greatest joy is your love, so that we may be empowering
witnesses to those we serve.
Through the power of your Spirit, may we grow in courage, that our words may mirror your truth,
and that our actions may reflect the love we profess, right here and now.
We ask this in the name of Jesus.
Let us do loving things that surprise even ourselves.
Let us stop daily to talk to people, who need a good word,
Mend what is broken and touch up what needs to be loved.
Make us more aware of the tiny surprises
That is scattered like secrets all around us.
Let us notice such things as we have forgotten and
Those persons of whom we have grown weary.
May we see them in a new way
So that we have a new word for them
As we busily set out to do large tasks,
May we find more time for a small celebration.
Creator-God, give us the grace to live out each day as GIFT!
Great Reflection to review with your children to show Jesus is
I saw Jesus this week.
He was wearing blue jeans and an old shirt.
He was shovelling the snow on the street,
He was alone and working hard.
For just a minute he looked a little like my
neighbour next door,
But it was Jesus, I could tell by his smile.
I saw Jesus last Sunday.
He was teaching a Children’s Liturgy class.
He didn’t talk real loud or use long words.
But you could tell he believed what he said.
For just a minute, he looked like our Sunday
school teacher,
But it was Jesus, I could tell by his loving voice.
I saw Jesus the other day.
He was at the grocery store talking to some
He then put his arms around them to comfort
For just a minute he looked like the lady from
our church,
But it was Jesus; I could see the compassion
pouring out for a family who lost a Dad.
I saw Jesus yesterday.
He was at the hospital visiting a friend who was
They prayed together quietly.
For just a minute he looked like our parish priest,
But it was Jesus, I could tell by the tears in his
I saw Jesus this morning.
He was in my kitchen making my breakfast.
He then fixed me a special lunch to take with me
to work
For just a minute, he looked just like my
But it was Jesus; I could feel the love from his
I saw Jesus today.
He was outside watching to be sure I was safe,
Then he said good morning and asked how my
day was going.
For just a minute he looked like my fellow
neighbour (classmate, council member)
But it was Jesus, I could tell by those caring
I see Jesus everywhere…….
And for just a minute, I think he’s someone I
But it is always Jesus…..will you see him today?
Seasonal Prayers
Dear Lord,
Please watch over our military today as they work to
keep our freedom every day. For the wounded and the
families of soldiers lost and also to keep the other
soldiers safe.
Please Bless them with abundant love,
For we know not the cost.
We pray to the Lord.
Lord Hear Our Prayer.
Father in Heaven, our hearts desire the warmth of your love and
our minds are searching for the light of Your Word.
Increase our longing for Christ our Saviour and give us the
strength to grow in Love that the dawn of His coming may find
us rejoicing in His presence and welcoming the light of His truth.
God of power and mercy, open our hearts in welcome.
Remove the things that hinder us from receiving Christ with joy
so that we may share His wisdom and become one with Him
when He comes.
Father in heaven, the day draws near when the glory of your
Son will make radiant the night of the waiting world.
May the lure of greed not impede us from the joy which moves
the hearts of those who seek Him.
May the darkness not blind us to the vision of wisdom which fills
the minds of those who find Him.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.
By Robert Louis Stevenson
Loving Father,
Help us remember the birth of Jesus,
that we may share in the song of the angels,
the gladness of the shepherds,
and worship of the wise men.
Close the door of hate
and open the door of love all over the world.
Let kindness come with every gift
and good desires with every greeting.
Deliver us from evil by the blessing
which Christ brings,
and teach us to be merry with clear hearts.
May the Christmas morning
make us happy to be thy children,
and Christmas evening bring us to our beds
with grateful thoughts,
forgiving and forgiven,
for Jesus’ sake.
A New Year is unfolding.
Like a blossom with petals curled tightly
concealing the beauty within.
Lord, let this year
be filled with the things that are truly good
with the comfort of warmth in our relationships,
with the strength to help those
who need our help
and the humility and openness
to accept help from others.
As we make our resolutions for the year ahead,
let us go forward with the great hope
that all things can be possible
with Your help and guidance.
Almighty and Everlasting God,
You have given the human race Jesus Christ our Savior as a model of humility. He fulfilled Your Will by
becoming Man and giving His life on the Cross.
Help us to bear witness to You By following His example of suffering and make us worthy to share in His
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
God our father, source of all holiness, the work of Your hands is manifest in Your saints, the
beauty of Your truth is reflected in their faith.
May we who aspire to join in their joy be filled with the spirit that blessed their lives, so that
having shared their faith on earth may we also know their peace in your kingdom.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant unto the souls of Thy departed
servants full remission of all their sins, that through the help of our pious prayers they may
obtain that pardon which they have always desired.
Thou Who lives and reigns in the world without end. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon them,
May they rest in peace.
General Prayers
Loving God and Father We are privileged to have been given the responsibility as parents to be partners in overseeing the education of our children and all students in our Catholic Schools. Strengthen us in our work as we seek to build a peaceful community.
● Give us the courage to go to you in time of doubt.
● Give us the courage to be servants to the students and to those who serve in our schools.
● Give us the courage to speak our mind on issues that go against our Catholic values.
● Give us the courage to respect one another with reverence and humility on material issues.
● Give us patience and a sense of humour, because it takes time to teach children the skills necessary to solve problems.
● Give us the courage to seek out and to find the solution to all of our problems.
● Give us the courage to be an example to the people we represent by the way we live our lives. As we journey to build a peaceful community, let us remember that the very essence of who we are is based on the principle that your Son Jesus lives within each of us.
This we ask in His name, in whom all peace resides
Blessed Mother Mary
Lord, we lift our hearts to you.
As the dawn breaks, may we carry the unity we share into every
moment knowing that we are one with the risen Christ.
Lord, we lift our eyes to you.
As the sunrises, may this moment stay with us, reminding us to
look for the beautiful colours of promise in your word.
Lord, we lift our prayers to you.
As the dew air falls, may we breathe this morning in and know
that like the earth,
you sustain us, keep us and
work within us always.
And so, we lift our voices to
We continue this month to
celebrate the greatest day in
history, when Jesus rose from
death, defeated darkness and
bathed the world in stunning
resurrection light.
May we ever live to praise you
and lift our hearts, eyes,
prayers and voices as we
remember the immense love
you have for each one of us.
All Saints, Pray For Us.
Dear God,
In this season of Lent, we’re
reminded of our own
difficulties and struggles.
Sometimes the way has
seemed too dark.
Sometimes we feel like our
lives have been marked by
such grief and pain, we
don’t see how our
circumstance can ever
But in the midst of our
weakness, we ask that you
would be strong on our
Lord, rise up within us, let
your Spirit shine out of
every broken place we’ve
walked through.
Allow your power to be
manifest through our own
weakness, so that others
will recognize it is You who
is at work on our behalf.
We ask that you would
trade the ashes of our lives
for the beauty of your
Trade our mourning and
grief for the oil of joy and
gladness from your Spirit.
Trade our despair for hope
and praise.
We choose to give you
thanks today and believe
that this season of darkness
will fade away.
Thank you that you are with
us in whatever we face and
that you are greater than
this trial.
We know and recognize that
you are Sovereign, we
thank you for the victory
that is ours because of
Christ Jesus, and we are
confident that you have
good still in store for our
We thank you that you are
at work right now, trading
our ashes for greater
We praise you, for you
make all things new. In
Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Dear God,
It’s difficult to fully let go of our anxiety, or
the world around us when we can’t see
evidence of all that you’re doing – when we
can’t understand or see your purpose or
plan. Today, we pause and remind
ourselves of our dependency on you, for we
know in our hearts that our circumstances
and futures are touched by your hands.
When we are struggling to see clearly and
make decisions, we are not alone and that
inner peace is something only you can
So today Lord, we purposefully, even
urgently, say again that we choose to
believe in you. We know that it’s often in the
most challenging times that you are most at
work. Thank you for being the one who
gives us the strength to help each other and
to see distinctly the choices we face. As we
scan our personal horizons, we know that
we also must look to you alone for the
power and possibility that is our future.
We ask for your guidance so that we might
walk fully in your path – a path that you
have blessed. We also ask for your face to
shine on us – individually, and as a team of
colleagues and partners.
Please bring to fulfillment all that you have
given us to do in the weeks ahead. Give us
a heart of wisdom to hear your voice; and
then make our footsteps firm. Please make
us strong through your favor and grace.
“Help us to grow each day as his followers,
with great love for one another, and great
love for our families. ”
A reading from the First Letter of John (1Jn
Beloved, let us love one another, because
love is from God; everyone who loves is
born of God and knows God. Whoever
does not love does not know God, for God
is love. God’s love was revealed among us
in this way: God sent His only Son into the
world so that we might live through him.
Beloved, since God loved us so much, we
also ought to love one another. No one has
ever seen God; if we love one another, God
lives in us, and his love is perfected in us.
Jesus gave his followers a new
commandment to love one another, just
as he loves us. This is how we show we are
followers of Jesus – by our love for one
another. We show we are followers of Jesus
in our homes, by being patient and kind to
one another, by helping instead of fighting
and by caring for one another. Patience,
kindness, helping and caring are ways we
show we are followers of Jesus, and these
things make for a happy, peaceful home.
We show we are followers of Jesus in our
school by our kind words, by our respect
and by our good example. These things
make for a happy, peaceful school.
Lord God, we thank you for the gift of love
that you have poured out on us in Jesus,
your Son. Help us to grow each day as his
followers, with great love for one another,
and great love for our families. May our
growing love and kindness be a sign of
your love at work in our lives. We make this
prayer to you in Jesus’ name. And may
Almighty God bless us: Father, Son and
Holy Spirit. Amen.